What a Great Day

September 29, 2006

Greatness is there

Filed under: great,Uncategorized — f3lheadhunter @ 4:28 pm

But must be looked for.
It won’t smack you in the face, you have to goo get it, you have to look for it.
Like everything that’s worth it, beauty and the greatness of this day

today I was in government office, doing the paper work to get my documentation straight up,
and some guy in his fifties, had a problem, his document (here in Colombia everyone has a document called “Cédula”, which is mandatory) had a wrong data field, the birth date was wrong.
so this guy is arguing about how they screwed up, and they claim that “you signed that paper, you must read what you sign”, it was (obviously) his fault, which was not a reason for him not to fight (uselessly).
so I said (then throw 2 birthday parties instead of one!) and started to laugh.

Nobody laughed with me,since it appears to be a very serious matter (at least to the guy it was) so I became convinced at that very moment, that people just ignore the fact that life can be funny sometimes (even if it means laughing at yourself).

To me it was a great day, perhaps the only problem* is that it might become a need for me to convince everyone that today is a great day, when it’s really not.

* that’s not really a problem, but I can’t think of a better word for it

Some pics for your enjoyment.


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  1. none

    Comment by felipe — January 9, 2007 @ 7:58 pm | Reply

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